Monday, October 15, 2018

Jenna Cooper: Here's the Proof that JORDAN Faked Those Cheating Texts!

Jenna Cooper and Jordan Kimball's Bachelor in Paradise cheating scandal didn't end when they broke up.

While Jenna has fired back, saying that she's a victim of fraud, Jordan has all but accused her of blackmailing him through her attorneys.

Now, she is hitting back even harder, and accusing Jordan of having faked the text messages for publicity's sake.

Jordan and Jenna

Over the weekend, Us Weekly spoke to Jordan Kimball about this entire situation.

"It is what it is," the model states simply.

When it comes to the emails he shared that he clearly viewed as a blackmail attempt, he says: "I said nothing about it."

"The email was sent to me," Jorday explains. "I got phone calls from the firm."

"It was an attorney representing her," Jordan says, who told him to publicly exonerate Jenna or the firm would go public with what they know.

Jordan and Jenna Together

Jordan says that he's heard from her attorneys, but that's about as personal as it gets these days.

"I’ve heard nothing back" from Jenna, Jordan says. "And her family stopped -- I guess you could say bashing me online."

"They have said nothing," he says. "She has said nothing. It’s behind us."

"I no longer feel I need to defend myself," Jordan claims. "It is what it is."

But ... is it? Because Jenna released some evidence for the entire world to see.

Jenna Cooper

When other Bachelor ladies rallied to Jenna's defense, Lauren Burnham assured the world that she'd seen proof that Jenna wasn't a cheater.

It's not that people realistically believe that Reality Steve fabricated text messages out of thin air.

Instead, people believe that someone close to Jenna, someone who knew her texting style and phone number, faked them and sent them to him.

And Jenna's electronic devices got a clean bill of health -- with an examination that proves she never cheated.

"A comprehensive forensic examination of Jenna’s devices by an independent third-party expert, Jenna's publicist Steve Honig begins.

Honig continues: "has definitively confirmed none of the text messages in question came from Jenna’s phone."

"Given the conclusive findings of the forensic report," Honig says. "Jenna’s team is considering all options available to Jenna relating to the fraudulent texts."

Jenna Cooper program

Jenna's publicist's statement continues, and begins to paint a troubling picture of her former love.

"After the cameras stopped rolling, Jordan’s demeanor toward Jenna changed dramatically," Honig reveals.

"He let it be known there was only room for one celebrity in the relationship," Honig says.

Jordan reportedly made it clear that "he was more successful and famous than her, she would never make as much money as him or amount to anything in life."

"She was belittled and made to feel insignificant and worthless," Honig says. "He continues to disparage her to this day."

"As painful as this has been for Jenna," Honig concludes. "She is glad he showed his true colors before they were married and began building a life together."

Jordan and Jenna Photo

Protus3 is a Raleigh-based security service to which Jenna turned to prove her innocense. They examined her iPhone, iPad, and iCloud storage.

"An analysis of the messages and data ranging from June 11, 2017, through September 18, 2018, on all devices," the Protus3 report says.

The report continues, revealing that the test "did not reveal any of the text messages alleged to be created by Ms. Cooper."

As we mentioned, the analysis would have turned up any messages, even deleted ones, that she sent on any of her devices.

Protus3's analysis also showed that certain keywords showed up in Jenna's messages to Jordan and in the allegedly fabricated texts that make her look like a cheater.

Jenna and Jordan

Protus3 just reports as a third party on the contents of the examination, but Jenna's attorneys have made their theory clear.

They believe that Jordan faked the texts and then sent them to Reality Steve with enough details about Jenna to make the texts look authentic.

But, as Protus3 notes, screenshots -- no matter their source -- cannot be authenticated with the level of certainty that comes with screening a device.

It's not clear what they believe was Jordan's motive.

Was he allegedly trying to milk the Bachelor Nation for sympathy that could carry him forward in his reality career?

Was he just trying to end their relationship without appearing to the public as "the bad guy?"

Or is Jordan just another victim in all of this, and the texts were fabricated by someone else?

View Slideshow: Bachelor in Paradise Finale Tarnished By Texting Scandal ... But Did Jenna Cooper Really Cheat?

from The Hollywood Gossip

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