Saturday, October 13, 2018

Hoopz to Farrah Abraham: Im'ma Knock You the F--k Out!

You know how Teen Mom villain Farrah Abraham is trying to be a celebrity boxer now?

Well, she's going to fight fellow reality television personality Nicole "Hoopz" Alexander.

And Nicole is promising that, when she's face to face with Farrah, she won't pull any punches -- literally.

Nicole "Hoopz" Alexander and Farrah Abraham

On Wednesday, Nicole "Hoopz" Alexander spoke to Detroit’s WJLB radio station, and as The Ashley notes, promised that she won't hold back.

"I’m gonna get in there and fight for real," she promises of her November 10 fight with Farrah.

"She’s an opponent," Nicole reasons.

They may be doing this for entertainment, but it's not a tickle fight.

"The people are coming out to see a fight," Nicole says.

And she plans to give it to them.

Putting Up Those Dukes

Nicole also talks about why fans should believe that she's looking forward to blowing off some steam.

"At the end of the day, we walk around as celebrities," she explains.

The go on television to play roles "and we can’t touch anybody [on the shows we’re on]."

It sounds like this experience could be as cathartic for Nicole as it will be for the countless people who hate Farrah.

"So you’re giving me an opportunity to get in the ring and I can actually take something out on somebody else?!" Nicole says.

Nicole "Hoopz" Alexander Selfie

"How am I gonna get in there and half-ass something?" Nicole asks.

That is a very fair point.

"[On reality shows] I didn’t [fight]," she explains.

Nicole says that the reason for that was "because there’s a clause [in your contract that says] you cant put your hands on nobody."

That is a very sensible clause for any reality show.

But in the ring, when the literal gloves go on, the figurative gloves come off.

Nicole "Hoopz" Alexander

Nicole is very aware of Farrah's ridiculous training efforts.

"She’s training as hard as she can train," Nicole says charitably.

Nicole then gets a little less charitable as she suggests that she is more than qualified to knock Farrah into next week.

"I’m probably over-training," Nicole admits.

Farrah Abraham Punches a Water Bottle

You know how Farrah has been going to the gym half-naked as part of her "training" program?

Nicole is all-too aware of it.

"I feel like she’s going to not even have a sports bra on," Nicole jokes about their upcoming fight.

Nicole says: "She’s been training half naked."

In fact, Farrah worked out in lingerie on a camgirl site ... and auctioned off the underwear she was wearing for cash afterwards.

Farrah Abrahm Boxes In a Thong

To be clear, she's not shaming Farrah for taking off her clothes. As you can see above, Nicole has posed in lingerie before.

She just knows how to separate stripping down from gearing up for a fight.

Nicole even jokes that Farrah may just strip naked for their fight in November. Which, to be fair, would absolutely fit Farrah's brand.

"She may come out in some nothingness," Nicole suggests.

That would be quite something. But Nicole suggests that it's fine if she does.

"It don’t matter," Nicole says confidently. "That’s how she’s gonna fall asleep."

Dang. Those are fighting words. Literally.

View Slideshow: Farrah Abraham Announces New Career Plan: I'm Gonna Work Out in Lingerie For Camgirl Ca$h!

from The Hollywood Gossip

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