Thursday, October 11, 2018

Bill Cosby Furiously Compares #MeToo to Literal Terrorists

Bill Cosby has been sentenced to prison. A lot of people enjoy that knowledge even more than they enjoy stories of him getting slapped with an airborne chicken patty.

But Cosby himself apparently feels that this is a huge injustice, that he's somehow a victim.

A report says that he has compared the women of the #MeToo movement to literal terrorists.

Bill Cosby in a Suit

RadarOnline reports that Bill Cosby believes that he, not the 60 women who accuse him of the unspeakable, is the real victim here.

According to the inside source, he has likened the accusations against him and his own prosecution to a "terrorist attack."

He even has a particular terrorist group in mind.

On September 25, after the prosecution's final expert witnesses had spoken, Cosby reportedly uttered a comment.

"These women make ISIS look like nuns," Cosby reportedly said.

That refers, of course, to the preferred name of Daesh, a terrorist organization that has dealt death, suffering, and desecration across Iraq and Syria.

Bill Cosby Booking Pic

Cosby was apparently also irate with his legal team.

"He wasn’t happy whatsoever," the insider reports.

"He wasn’t happy that his team didn’t put up character witnesses," the source claims.

The insider also states: "He wasn’t happy that his defense dropped the bomb that accused the prosecution of doctoring a tape after he was sentenced."

(That may have been part of a valid legal strategy of avoiding alienating the court, and conspiracy theories about prosecutors tend to piss off judges)

Says the source on Cosby: "I’ve never seen him so mad."

Bill Cosby Pic

Allegedly, Cosby was so peeved during the trial that he wanted to lash out with violence against all of the people he blamed for his predicament.

"Mr. Cosby said he’d ‘whack them with his cane’ …" the insider claims.

The source does note that he would only do that "if he ‘could see them.’”

Cosby is said to be legally blind, though some believe that this may have been played up as a ploy for sympathy.

“He was worried that if he tried tossing his cane," the insider reveals. "He’s accidentally slap the judge rather than his target,"

"And," the source states. "That definitely wasn’t worth the risk."

Bill Cosby Interview Pic

Now this is where the report begins to stretch one's beliefs.

Cosby allegedly believes that he should "band together" with Harvey Weinstein and others.

He allegedly sees him and the other men accused of vile sex crimes as "the real #MeToo victims."

He reportedly referred to the actions of the #MeToo movement as being "severe enough for ISIS to claim responsibility."

He is even said to have referred to the women bravely coming forward as a "terrorist attack on Hollywood."

Bill Cosby Mug Shot

Now, it is not difficult to imagine Cosby feeling persecuted.

Even the most vile people in history have often felt that they are the victims when they are finally faced with the slightest consequences for their actions.

It is also very easy to picture Cosby becoming furious with his attorneys and their legal strategy.

But are he and Weinstein and Woody Allen and Roman Polansky and Bryan Singer and James Toback really going to form some sort of anti-#MeToo Legion of Doom?


Bill Cosby, In Shame

Cosby and hsi team have been quick to compare his situation to other men, from Brett Kavanaugh to Jesus. Yes, really.

Others have been strongly reluctant to tie their name or story with Cosby's.

This reluctance to associate is probably because Cosby has dozens of accusers, some of whom have spoken out sincet he 1990s.

He might want to cling to the names of the men who remain free and have yet to face real consequences -- but to them, he represents what they hope to avoid.

For once, an every-man-for-himself attitude might actually help the world rather than hurt it.

View Slideshow: Bill Cosby: A Look at His Life Behind Bars

from The Hollywood Gossip

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